Register process
- Press [ Settings ] mark of [ Top menu > Masters List ] display.
- Select the [ Icon set ] master.
- Register new with the (+) icon.
- Register below information. Fields marked with red star are required.
- Title
- Icon Code
- When you enter [ Icon Code ] , an image is automatically displayed. This image is what was registered in [Icon] master.
- Save information
- Please press [Save] the registration is completed and displayed on the list screen.
- Edit this information
- we can Edit information in [ Details ].
Delete data
To delete,
Select the checkboxes and click the [ Delete ] icon at the top right of the screen.
Notice : Once deleted, it cannot be restored.
Sorting by Rank
We can order your data according to the rank number.
Give the [ Rank ] to the items.
Sorting in order
Arranging data (ordering data in an increasing or decreasing ) into meaningful order so that you can analyze it more effectively.
Refine Search
We can refine our search for registered items from the left menu.
Required fields
Fields marked with red stars are required.
Active Flags
Default is ON, if you want to hide it, turn off this Active Flag.