Images can be registered and used by product number.
Image Registration Process:
1. Click "Products" on the menu bar at the top of the home screen, select "Product List" from the pull-down,
Move to the product list screen.
2. Click the gray "📄" icon located second from the right on the "Product List" screen.
3. A pop-up window will open asking "You will create new instruction sheet?"
4. Click "Okey" at the bottom right of the pop-up window to move to the "Instruction Sheet" screen.
5. Images can be registered one by one in the white rectangle ▯ lined up at the top of the left side menu of the "Specifications" screen. There are two ways to register: drag and drop or click the center part and register from the image selection screen.
6. If you are registering from the image selection screen, when the "image selection" screen opens in a pop-up window, select the image and press "Open" at the bottom right of the pop-up window.
The selected image will be reflected and the registration of the image will be completed.
7. Images registered in the specifications can be easily registered by dragging and dropping.
⚫︎Click “🔍” (search) at the bottom right of the rectangle ▯ at the top left of the specifications screen, and a pop-up window will appear.
The "Search screen" will open and you can search and register "Various attachment position instruction images".
⚫︎Rectangle ▯ Click the " ⤢ " (arrow) at the bottom left to enlarge the image in a pop-up window.
⚫︎You can delete the image by pressing the "X" on the top right of the rectangle ▯.
⚫︎You can register up to 10 images.